martes, 19 de febrero de 2008


No sé qué me pasa últimamente; no sé si será el amor, pero creo que me estoy amariconando. Yo que era tan indi-pendiente en mis gustos musicales y ahora escucho a Kyle Minogue, a Amy Winehouse y Kelly Rowland. Y siempre me he reído de las diosas gays. Si ya lo dice mi abuela: ¡no hay soberbia que no coja…! Claro que mi abuela es un fantasma.

En fin, me encanta este video de Kyle, es que llega a haber cuatro Kyles al mismo tiempo ¿Os imagináis cuatro Thiagos? Alguno se suicidaría... y no sería ninguno de nosotros cuatro, jajaja

¿Ya os dije que actúa en Madrid el 3 de junio, no?

NOTA MENTAL: ¡Ya verás cuando vea este post Mario! Se va a escarallar de risa.

"Come, come, come into my world
Won't you lift me up, up, high upon your love

Take these arms that were made for lovin'
And this heart that will beat for two
Take these eyes that were meant for watching over you
And I've been such a long yime waiting
For someone I call call my own
I've been chasing the life I'm dreaming
Now I'm home

I need your love
Like night needs morning

Come, come, come into my world
Won't you lift me up, up, high upon your love

Na na na na

Take these lips that were made for kissing
And this heart that will see you through
And these hands that were made to touch and
feel you

So free your love
Hear me I'm calling

Oh won't you
Come, come, come into my world
Won't you lift me up, up, high upon your love

I need your love
Like night needs morning

Oh won't you
Come, come, come into my world
Won't you lift me up, up, high upon your love"

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